
PL Network

Showing 198 companies

Protocol Labs Venture Studio (PL VS) is an initiative dedicated to growing and enabling new startups building breakthrough technologies, leveraging Filecoin, IPFS, libp2p, Ethereum, and other technologies in the PL ecosystem. These startups will join the Protocol Labs innovation network, which bridges connections to potential sources of capital, technical expertise, and web3-native services to accelerate the development and growth of the new startups.

0xEssential enables digital asset ownership through portability and offers tools and platforms that help create NFTs. The company was founded in 2021 and is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, United States.

3Box Labs
3Box Labs
3 jobs

At 3Box Labs we are on a mission to usher in a new era for the web, where data is secure, interactions are trustworthy, and relationships are the basis of connection. Our first product, Ceramic, is the building block for composable data on the web and is powering thousands of the world's most ambitious applications. We're backed by the best investors in the space (USV, Placeholder, Variant, Multicoin) who have deep conviction in our mission. We are a lean, voraciously curious team from across the globe. We are committed to building a diverse and inclusive team. We cannot succeed in our mission without it. People that identify with groups traditionally underrepresented in tech are particularly encouraged to apply.

Afterparty is a creator community platform. We give the most innovative creators and artists the tools for delivering world-class experiences to their biggest fans. And for the first time ever fans get to participate in the success of their favorite artists and creators.

4 jobs

Agoric is committed to making strong security easier to achieve. Creating secure smart contracts using today’s technology is inherently difficult. That difficulty has limited both the number of applications created, and the number of programmers qualified to create them. We are developing an open, JavaScript-based, object-capability (ocap) programming layer to address both issues. The Agoric ocap layer will include robust security properties beyond anything available today, and it will provide that security across substrates, from local machines to global blockchains.

Protecting applications requires protecting the application itself as well as the infrastructure, which is why many companies don’t move sensitive workloads to the public cloud, invest in hardening of machines and creating security zones to define which applications can run alongside other applications on the same machine. Anjuna solves this problem to allow running any application in any environment and alongside any application, by creating a software perimeter around applications that provides hardware-grade security for the applications. This completely removes the need to secure or patch the host, VM or container. Our solution doesn't require any changes to the application and protects it even if someone has root or physical access to the host.

Ansa Research is a research firm focused on distributed infrastructure. We cover digital networks aiming to rebuild how internet infrastructure operates, including Filecoin and other networks. We operate the Filecoin TL;DR Brand within the Filecoin ecosystem and also work on several social and community initiatives. We believe decentralized infrastructure is an opportunity north of a trillion dollars. However, there is an extremely narrow set of conditions by which this outcome is realized. We view this as an opportunity to create substantial amounts of value. If you’re a capital allocator looking to get a pulse on decentralized infrastructure, reach out. We spend our time working with builders across the stack (storage, retrieval, compute, DA layers, etc) - we’d love to share what we know / what we’re seeing. If you’re a builder / ecosystem working on decentralizing the cloud, we’d love to chat. We’re here to help accelerate roadmaps, make connections, amplify great projects, and drive awareness.

Anytype is a developer of file storage software for Web3 that is intended to provide a secure location for digital content. The company's software keeps information locally and allows clients to manage their work online by creating dashboards and capturing and organizing ideas with text, photos, and dozens of other media types withoutcompromising privacy. Products

For mission-driven brands who need to grow their ecosystem, only Artizen makes it easy to fund breakthroughs in art, science, technology, and design.

Audius'​ mission is to create a fully decentralized community of artists, developers, and listeners collaborating to share and defend the world’s music. To find out more, please visit: https://audius.org and https://audius.co

Aut Labs
Aut Labs
1 jobs

Āut is a suite of DAO-native Tools to expand decentralized communities. We're on a mission to accelerate the transition from an authoritarian, centralized, exploitative distribution of power - to non-hierarchical, more efficient, self-organizing organizational structures. Our protocols do so by "expanding" any Legacy DAO Contract – adding native concepts such as Roles & Commitment – directly at contract level, in a new DAO standard called Nova. Novas can be customized through the addition of composable Modules & Plugins, such as Onboarding Strategies and Reward Mechanisms. Currently maintained protocols include: - Nova (DAO Standard with Roles) - ĀutID (portable, non-transferable NFT ID) - Reputation - Various Modules & Plugins More about Āut Labs @ docs.aut.id

Autonomy Network is a decentralized automation protocol designed for Web3 builders.